August 13, 2011

  • I finally snap on Revelife (Very offensive post)

    Sometimes, there are posts on Xanga that make me want to facepalm for hours. More often than not, such posts are written up on Revelife. It's not that I hate Christians or Christianity. This has nothing to do with hate; it has everything to do with my crazy theory that when you die, you don't go to some mystical other world. I think people, as conscious beings with our survival instinct, want badly to believe that we somehow remain conscious after our brains shut off.

    I have bad news for such people. Once you die, you're dead. That's it... it's like a computer being shut down for it's last time. It doesn't process any more data, it doesn't make any more funny noises, and doesn't let you peruse through pornography for hours on end.

    So this is my response post. MY commentary is in hot pink.

    Sins We Don't Realize Are Sins

    ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'
    That also means that spending too much time on things like computer, video games, and TV is a sin. (Time just really flies by fast for me when I'm on these things.)

    The title of this post just made me "What the hell" it up for a little while. Christians obsess endless about what is sin and what's not sin to no end, and suspect that they could be sinning and not even knowing it by doing doing normal modern activities, such as interacting with technology for longer than... some arbitrary amount of time.

    FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'
    Working heavily on Sundays is not permitted. He rested on the 7th day, so you working on that day is like you trying to be stronger than Him. That's why the 3 six's is bad because the number for God is 3 and the man is 6 and that's man becoming like god. (Can you believe that I learned that from my atheist friend? She likes to look up these sort of things. And come on people we all need a break.)

    What the...? WHAT? WHAAAAT? Your atheist friend is a moron for telling you something like that. Find me any quote in any holy text where any God says "I have designated that my number is 3". As far as working on the Sabbath goes, here's quote from Jesus (The Jesus): "Suppose one of you has a sheep. If it falls into a pit on a day of worship, wouldn't you take hold of it and lift it out?"

    FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.'
    Disobeying the rules, laws and regulation is also a sin. That's how we have a gentle society.

    But if the law is contradicting with the 10 commandments then we can bend it.

    Just... what the hell.

    SIX: 'You shall not murder.'
    Spreading rumors is also a sin because you're killing their reputation. Euthanasia and abortion are sins obviously. And even suicide. They're all going against nature. I know death is inevitable but it doesn't matter that we get there, it matters how we lived our lives. And oh, things that are self-destructive, too, like drunkeness and drug addiction.

    "They're all going against nature. I know death is inevitable..." Besides that obvious back-to-back contradiction, have you ever seen a National Geographic documentary on Cheetahs? They are part of nature, and they kill every single day. I personally love sinking my teeth into a gazelle every now and then, as well.
    SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'
    If a man looks at a woman with lust, that's adultery or vice versa. The priest said that teenagers are okay to have fantasies because we're teenagers hormones are sort of out of control just as long as we don't act on it. Haha I guess I only have a year to think.

    NO! NO! OH MY GOD! YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT! Did a Priest seriously just say there is some leniency on the matter of sex? That is hair-rippingly-ironic. Not the regular kind of ironic, no. Removing hair from scalp by brute force ironic.

    EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'
    No matter how small. I just hope I remember.

    Yeah, I also hope you remember to not just start snatching stuff off the shelves and then forgetting to pay for it.

    TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'
    Divorce is obviously one. But I heard that if one is getting physically abused and if one doesn't want to have children then it's permitted. Is this true?

    I will admit, there have been times when I have been very jealous of my neighbor's ox. That's something I'm working on right now (not morally. I'm saving up my money to buy my own ox.) but I don't see what that has to do with divorce. For me personally, I'm too focused on this ox situation to even think about getting married, but if I did get married, and swore an oath to God and my entire family to stay with my partner for the rest of my life, no matter what, and then decided to call it quits two years later, that just seems like really poor planning.

    What do you think about this list?  What are some other things that are sinful that we might forget about?

    I thought it was gay.

    I think there are an infinite number of universes being created instantaneously every second, and each one has completely different rules, so that no matter what you do, in some realm of existence, it's a sin, even feeding baby lambs, or eating vegetables.

Comments (34)

  • Actually, I finally saw a Harry Potter movie in this last one and clearly there is an afterlife.  If the Bible and Harry Potter agree, I think it is hard to argue.

  • Yeah I don't know who wrote that revelife article but they were completely out to lunch. As in, alternate reality.

  • Makes sense to me.  Btw, I'm trying to sell my ox.

  • I wouldn't get too bent out of shape about what gets posted on Revelife. A lot of the posters hit all the hate blogs during the week and then on the Sabbath they take a break and hang out on Revelife.

    If Revelife is any indication of what's going on in the  real world, Christianity is a bleeding mess.

  • yeah, they are just blah blah blah over there. I don't see how they keep ending up on the list I'm subbed to, lol

  • that's a lot of baby universes being made...  mommy universe must be tired.

  • I do think that most Christians like that are masochists. They just like to constantly put themselves down. Probably get a lot of pleasure from it.

  • So, does that mean people who work in a hospital, police officers, firefighter, etc shouldn't work on the weekend because it's a "sin?"

  • my leather adidas sambas are fraught with sin.

    i also own a couple pairs of doc martens.and oh yeah, i'm a (recovering) drug addict AND an alcoholic (us alcoholics are reallllly into "drunkenness" which apparently is a sin).
    i am SO FUCKED in the afterlife.

  • I have sinned big time because I have mixed fabrics. Oh well. My time here was okay.

  • Please have my babies.

  • You mean Jesus doesn't come down on a pegasus to bring me to heaven after I die?! Fuck my life!! *throws temper tantrum*

  • I know you are, but what am I?

  • I'm blocked from revelife because I told Christians that if they wanted to meet God so badly then they should just off themselves and go to endless sunshine.  Why suffer on Earth when there's a paradise waiting?

    I can match their thought process.

    Jesus is a paranoid schizophrenic homeless man, and he was racist against a cannite woman saying that teaching her his philosphy would be like child's bread going to the dogs.  He tried to become the king, and he was thus executed like everyone that tries that.

    Human denial is what creates religion.  We want to go on but instead of working for immorality, we spend it wallowing in self-pity and such or waiting for a savior.  jesus tried to collect all the gutter hearts and to overthrow augustus, the son of a god, as it turns out.

    I was working on immortality and then they found me and messed me up. I am a sinner, after all. I figure that if I figure out a way without hurting anyone else then i should be permitted.  Being that I'm stupid, I'd probably kill myself in the process but we die anyway, so...  All I was doing was thinking about it. 

    These people can live by leviticus if they want to even follow their religion.  10 commandments are not enough.

    I was locked up in an insane asylum for months and read this and the quran.  The Quran, my friends, makes sense.  The Bible is about collapsing civilizations.  That's all it is.

  • So, ultimately your rant and your existence is meaningless and pointless.  Therefore any actions you choose to under take are in direct correlation, pointless and meaningless as well.

    Great to know you believe people who not only live good lives helping the needy and putting others before themselves have the same fate and are resigned to the same post existence as people such as Hitler. 

    Must be an awesome way to live knowing that one day you'll just be gone and that's it.

  • @Sunrie - Yes, amazingly, people who do good deeds also die, just like Hitler.

  • @TheTheologiansCafe - On top of that, the Twilight series says immortality is possible. I really don't know how I can have any doubt anymore.

  • *sacrifices heifer to my computer*

  • If you get married right now, like tomorrow, you can pool your money together and buy that ox sooner!!  hahaha

  • Just passing through, I read that sins you don't know are sins post and had to laugh and keep on going

  • The whole idea of Heaven seems a little boring to me.

  • If I can stop being such a pushover then I can worry about hell, which is where everyone goes; imagine an eternal hellish existence of pain and suffering, and no heaven.

  • tags:  and would be rolling in his grave, if dead bodies actually did that thing, instead of being, yaknow, dead.

  • Dear Norimoto,

    The original text of the Revelife post (which I have only read here and not onsite) is pretty hilarious. This is just a riff of the 10 Commandments. Since they can be construed to be the "Law of Moses" then of course breaking any of them could be considered sinful, but the concept of breaking the Lord's commandments and of original sin are two completely different things in theology. Man became a sinner when he ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Sin is usually defined as a violation of the moral code, and is illustrated by the "seven deadlies."

    I have always been sad for people (including some good friends) who don't believe in an "afterlife". And I'm not talking about wispy wing wearing humanlike beings living in the clouds playing harps. True, all biological matter becomes waste. Our "brains" aren't the repository for the "Universal Mind" which permeates the cosmos and gives us both individuality and communion with the godhead. The mind existed before and exists after corporeal life exists.

    You, like every other "life" in the cosmos, will attain physical death, and will gain the "final realization" and will become part of the Universal.

    Michael F. Nyiri, poet, philosopher, fool

  • Yep, people believe different things than you, welcome to real life.

  • If you're living like there is no God, you'd better be right. That's all I have to say about that.

  • I have issues with Christianity.... strike that ORGANIZED RELIGION for so many varied reasons which would drown out the true reason for this post. Anyone who reads any type of religious text knows that there are CHOSEN people who God is claimed/known to FAVOR... so with this being the case, why does the world not honor the day of the Sabbath as the aforementioned chosen people? My interpretation of remember the Sabbath & keep it holy is that it is to be a day of rest and allow it to remain as such, there is no way to interpret that to mean change it to what ever day you like and make it a day of worship, I understand that because the word holy is in the commandment to which I am referring some might think it means that it is to be a day of worship, but that is current day thinking, if you attempt to think of those words as they were written, during the time they were written, you can't help but conclude, "hey I rested on this day and dammit you should too" ... but I am no one just one who has read the Torah, Koran, & Biblical texts [not of King James] and has an opinion which probably means little next to nothing... thank you for allowing me to vent 

  • @baldmike2004 - I actually heard something similar from Dr. Amit Goswami, a theoretical physicist who specializes in Quantum Mechanics. His thought is that consciousness is a prerequisite for material existence. The idea is that Quantum physics is a probability/possibility-based concept, and if everything is quantum, or dictated by quantum nature, then everything exists as a possibility, and it is consciousness which chooses which possibility will manifest itself.

    Something I'm coming to terms with is that, if God exists, there is no possible way that the entire knowledge of who/what God is can ever be fully expressed by human beings. This also led me to believe that human beings could not ever fully understand God, and therefore, our impression of what God is, or how God behaves can quite easily be flawed, or in some cases, completely wrong.

    The concept of the afterlife, especially in the the Bible's Old Testament, is referred to as Sheol - not a place of punishment, but rather, a "hidden" place. The concept of eternal Hell was adopted into the doctrine of the Catholic Church much later after the Gospels were written.

    I won't really go much into that, but I just have a strong feeling that it's kind of selfish or overly-wishful thinking to say you have an afterlife, or life has no purpose. That's like demanding that the universe allow you to remain conscious after you have no capacity to do so, or else you're going to be upset.

    @Yoru_Kendo - And I can post my disagreement with the crap other people believe. Welcome to realer life.

    @nox_et_lux - I never said there was no God. In fact, I think there probably IS a God.

  • @AvenueToTheReal - 

    Dear Norimoto. Am familiar with Quantum mechanics. I do agree that mankind isn't supposed to be able to fully understand the concept of the Universal. (My beliefs are pantheistic, I don't try to personify the godhead.) I also agree that the concept of hell was created by the Catholics. (I tired to find my essay concering that fact, but can't locate it at this time. Thanks for replying to my comment. Here are a few links. The Universal Blog, The Universal Blog on Xanga, and an individual essay, "What Happens When We Die?"


    Michael F. Nyiri, poet, philosopher, fool

  • @AvenueToTheReal - ooooooooohhhhhh I never thought about that before! ;)

  • Hahahaha!  Awe man, I miss reading your posts.  I'm totally with you on this.  I'm off to go sin now, whether I know it or not, my dear. Increase my oxen fleet! 

  • HAHA this is funny as hell....and I happen to agree.

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