April 2, 2011

  • I'm Dead

    That's right -- I'm dead.

    I am writing this from the beyond to tell you that it sucks. You know that Matt Damon movie Thereafter? Probably not. That was the most boring Bourne movie I've ever seen. Well, it gives the impression that the afterlife is really cool, and that there's a mini-bar that serves unlimited refills of root beer.

    Since my life is over, I just want to say that it was pretty meaningless in the grand scheme of things, but if I could be remembered for one thing, I guess I'd like people to remember to always keep their breath fresh. The other day, some guy was talking to me, and I didn't hear any words come out of his mouth, just toxic green clouds of garlic and carbon monoxide. Like, I think if he exhaled on a skunk, it would die instantly.

    My best memories were: When I learned to tie my shoes using the bunny-ears method, getting my first pet, doing my one and only stand-up comedy show, listening to this song, watching that video of Ironstove drinking that smoothie with sardines in it, eating peanuts, finding religion and then losing it under the couch cushions only to find it again six months later, dying my hair black, almost cutting a fish's head off but then chickening out, flushing the toilet and watching the poopies go down, and of course, BANGING YOUR MOM. SUP!?

    Happy April 1st, you little fools. =)

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